Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April 17th


The Big 2-5! We started the weekend off right...after working a 40-hour week we immediately took off to Waikiki to check into our weekend get-away/relaxation station! We surfed, sunbathed, and shopped at our leisure. We ended the evening at The Cheesecake Factory, then headed over to the Sheraton for a hot tub session. Saturday seemed to last forever...which I enjoyed. We headed home on Sunday morning so we could speak at church, then our friends R & T hosted a birthday dinner in my honor, Hawaiian Haystacks followed by Rice Krispie Treats. I allowed myself to enjoy a Coke on birthday as well, so what? who cares?! Our on campus mail center was being a little uptight about our forwarding address so all of my birthday cards were under house arrest. After what seemed like weeks of anticipation, I scored big! Thanks to everyone who remembered me on my birthday! I did receive one last birthday package from Jessbabe {today!}...fully equipped with crinkled Anthropolgie catalog packing paper! Classiest package I have ever received...I loved it so much, I had to document it. I hardly ever receive care packages so I was fairly over-eager. Jessbabe's present had a lovely gold/metallic motif, all centered around this porcelain jewelry dish {she must know of my affinity for giraffe's}. Spot on Jessbabe, spot on! April 17th, 2011 was one for the you all!


Tanya Rasmussen said...

Hawaiian haystacks = the best Mormon culinary creation EVER! When shall we do those again?

I'm super jeal of that care package. Best present ever award!! So cute.

Anonymous said...

Definitely sounds like a perfect birthday weekend! And I love the giraffe dish! So darling!

Anonymous said...

When choosing gifts for friends when I was younger, my mom always told me to pick something out that I'd want for myself.

Well Les, I still follow your rule (and sometimes I end up buying the same things for myself. This was definitely the case for your presents too.)