This is just a snap shot of our ever increasing addiction to Coke. We plead guilty in the case of falling for those 3 for $12 bargains at Foodland - that's 3, 12 packs for $12! Who could pass that up?!
We constantly stock our fridge to ensure that there will always be a cold one waiting for us...and our next meal. I have even been guilty of sneaking one to school...before the 8:00 hour {rock bottom}. Our addiction runs deeper than our affinity for Coke's flavor, it truly is one of the only things that makes us happy! It is our one simple pleasures that makes us feel like we can access our previous lifestyle if only for a moment. Plus I am always battling to balance that fine line of salty & sweet...if I keep Coke my constant sweet, I usually win. Consider my New Year's Resolution officially down the drain...